Sunday, February 17, 2008

Coming Home

Forty hours of straight travel. Oh my heavens. It took so long to get home! The day before we left, there had been a storm upriver, so the river was filled with all this debris, mostly huge logs and branches. It took extra long to get back to Puerto Maldonado because of all that stuff in the water, and the fact that we were going against the current. We finally got back to the town and got on the buses to the airport. We got on the plane. We had a quick stopover in Cusco to let Amberley off for her extra three weeks in Salkantay. Then, we flew to Lima. When we got to Lima and loaded everyone on the bus, Jan told us that the temple was closed so we wouldn't be able to do baptisms as we had planned. I was devastated and very close to tears. I had been looking forward to that the entire trip. We went to lunch at a mall that was right by the ocean. That was neat; I love the ocean. After that, we drove around the city doing who knows what (I sure don't! I think we were running some errands, but I was so tired by that point, I wasn't paying much attention), and then we finally went to see the temple. Some temple workers let us on the grounds, and that was cool. Ah, I just wanted to go inside so bad! We packed onto the bus again and went to the market. I was entirely broke by that time, so I just looked at the stuff. It was a huge market, and more expensive than the other ones we've been to. There was a funny guy that I bargained with for Haley. She wanted a Peruvian top, and he told us they were five soles. I told him we'd pay three. He glared at me, in good nature, and said, in his Peruvian accent, "You hard customer!" He sold it to us for four in the end. After the market, around nine thirty, we went to the airport to catch our midnight flight. We stood in line forever and finally got everything checked in when they told us our flight was three hours delayed. I'm used to waiting for planes, so that wasn't a big deal. The big deal was that this delay made it so that we would miss our connection in Atlanta. About half of us got on a flight that would leave almost as soon as we got to Atlanta, and then the lucky other half of us got a flight that wouldn't leave until 6:30 the next night. Instead of being home at noon, I would be home around eleven pm. I tried really hard to hold in the tears, but I was so tired and I wanted to be home so bad! Chance was a sweetheart and tried to cheer me up by playing me songs on his ipod about sunshine and smiles. Thanks Chance, it really did help. He sat with me and made me laugh, even though I didn't want to. He, of course, wasn't too upset because he got the early flight. So, in my seven hour layover with half our group, I ate a lot (Dominos, Chick-fil-a, Ben and Jerry's, etc), walked around the airport, sat around, and talked. I was never so happy as when our flight finally left. I could have danced! It was a long flight, and just to test me, we had to wait about half an hour or more to land because of a little weather. We kept on going in these huge circles in the air. I was about ready to jump out of that plane. Still, being in Utah (or at least above it) was comforting. My mom and my little sister were there to pick me up. It was great to see them. It was nice to see English on all the billboards and to be in a vehicle with only two other people. I love home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting....some of the pics are amazing.....
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