Sunday, February 17, 2008

Sunday in the Jungle

We finally left Cusco for the last time the day after we toured all those ruins. We took a plane to a jungle town called Puerto Maldonado. It was so warm and humid--completely opposite of Salkantay. It was a nice change at first, but my hair severely misbehaves in humidity so I quickly got tired of that. I loved being warm, though. One kind of funny observation I made was that in Salkantay it was hard to breathe because the air was so thin, and in the jungle it was still hard to breathe because the air was so heavy. We stayed at a place that was down river from Puerto Maldonado. The river we were on was the Madre de Dios, which is a tributary of the Amazon. Can you believe I was in the Amazon jungle? I know, its crazy. We took a boat down the river to our lodge; it was amazing. We all had little bungalos that we shared with two or three people. Me, Haley, and Bailey shared one. It felt like I was on that Jungle Cruise ride in Disneyland, or maybe Indiana Jones, but this wasn't the magic of Disney, this was absolutely real! Once we got settled, we got back in the boats and went across to the middle of the river to Monkey Island. Isla del Monkey, or something like that. It was so amazing! A monkey took a banana straight from my hand! They were all over the place. Some climbed onto people's shoulders and some just kept swinging around in the trees. They told us to not get close enough for the monkeys to climb on us because they bite, but I still wish one would have climbed on me. We spent at least an hour or two there before going back to our lodge. The sun was setting by then and it looked beautiful on the water. After we got back, we regrouped and had church in a bigger bungalo a little deeper in the jungle. It was so fun because all the jungle noises were mixed with our meeting. The jungle gets so loud at night! After that, we went cayman hunting. We got in the boats and Elias brought a huge flashlight. He shined it on the banks of the river, and when the light hit the cayman's eyes, it made them glow. Cayman, for those who are like me and didn't know what they were until they saw one, are small alligators. We saw so many. It was quite the experience to be out on the jungle river at night. We had dinner after that, then the power went out (it was only on for about three hours every day, from about 5 to 8) so me and Haley and Bailey went to bed. We were so paranoid about bugs in our beds, but we ended up having very few instances of bug invasions. I was completely freaked out about the tarantulas.


Anonymous said...

I think amazing experience...
pictures are great...

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Anonymous said...

Interesting....some of the pics are amazing.....
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