The next morning, we woke up at five o'clock. The generators weren't on, and wouldn't be until later that evening, so we got up and got ready in the dark, and then had breakfast by candlelight. There were these tiny bananas they had there that were SO good! They were really sweet and flavorful. Those made up the bulk of my breakfast. After breakfast, the sun started to rise. It was so beautiful. Our guide, Elias, then took us on a walk through the jungle. It was so incredible! I felt like a T-Rex was going to burst out of the bushes at any second. Once while we were walking, w

e heard a huge thud. It was a fruit about the size of a cantelope, but it had a hard shell on the outside. I thought Elias said it was a papaya, but I think I heard him wrong because it didn't look much like a papaya. It would have killed a person if it fell on their head! We saw so much on our walk. There was a termite nest we stopped at. Elias said the people there make them into tea because they taste minty. Sure enough, they do! Yes, I ate one. I made Daniel kill it for me first, but I did eat one. Our hike ended at a small lake that REALLY reminded me of Jurassic Park. There was a row boay that we took turns going out

in in groups to look for birds. Those that weren't on the boat went up this raised platform where we could see the lake from above. It was incredible. While I was in the boat, I saw a cayman, a little turtle, and some vultures. One group saw a toucan and bats. The other group saw some macaws. On the walk back, we stopped at a tree that was covered in fire ants. Elias said that the jungle people used trees like this as punishment. If someone did something wrong, they could get tied to a tree like this. Fire ants are very protective of their trees, and would sting the prisoner in order to protect t

heir home. Some of the boys in our group decided it would be cool to touch the tree to see what it felt like to get stung. They all yelled when they got bit because it hurt so bad. Some of those getting punished would die from it! After we made it back to the lodge, we had lunch and some free time. Me and Bailee had a nap, some people swam in the pool, and others explored. After lunch, I put my legs in the pool, which felt amazing and totally helped me cool down. After our break, we got back in the boat and went up river to visit a native family. They live in the jun

gle for tourists; its how they make their living. It sounds lame, I know, but it was really actually very cool! The patriarch spoke Spanish and the native language, so Elias translated for us. A lot of the time the guy was so animated in his story telling that we got the jist of what he was saing through his tones and actions. He made fire by rubbing bamboo sticks together. He showed us some dances, one of which ended up with Jake and Amberley being married! He told us about the life

and history in the jungle, and all sorts of other stuff. There was a little boy that walked around handing everyone a flower while the old man spoke. Then, they brought out their "pets." I was thinking, chickens, dogs--no, boa constrictor. One of the men in the village put it around whose ever neck dared. I had it put on my neck, and it tried to strangle me!--more or less. Not really, but it definately got tighter and tighter. He also brought out two tortoises. Elias had me stand on one to show how strong they were. The patriarch showed us his wooden machete and ot

her tools they use. The ladies and necklaces and bracelets and even some cool spears they were selling. Me and Haley got cousinship bracelets. After we got back to the lodge, we had family night, which got interupted momentarily when a tapier walked through our circle. Things like that just happen when you are in the jungle! Maria gave us each an award. Mine was "loved by all the children," or something to that effect. Then, we played a game, which was so much fun! We partnered up, boy-girl. My partner was Mat. I had to either sit on his knee, jump into his arms, or jump onto his back, depending on if Jan said "Rooster onthe roof", "Chicken in the basket" or "Hen on the egg." If you were too slow, you were eliminated. It was so much fun, and a goofy way to end the night.
good to read this...
nice pictures...
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