Friday, November 30, 2007

Back In Salkantay

After we finished at Machu Picchu, we spent the rest of the day in the village (after an even more terrifying ride down the ridiculously steep mountain) and left the next morning to head back to Salkantay. The work we did that first day back was, as usual, so hard! It was nice to be back. We kept saying it was nice to be home, then catching ourselves, but then deciding it was true. We weren't living there forever, but Salkantay felt like a home. That day, my group (I don't know if I mentioned that every day we split into groups depending on which project needed how many people) was in charge of loading and unloading 60 pound adobe bricks onto the back of the truck to haul them over to where another group was building a stable. Those bricks were so heavy, and since they were just mud and water dried and carved, I got so dirty! My black pants looked very very brown. My arms, wrists, shoulders, legs, and hips (I didn't have a lifting partner, so my hips got used as support quite a bit :D) were all bruised, cut, and raw from the rough bricks. When we had finished with the last load, we followed the truck over to help unload and carry them over to the stable. That was tricky--lifting the bricks higher than my head so the people on the wall could get them from me. Mostly I had to make Zac, one of the big strong boys, lift them for me once I got them to the wall. When we were done there, we had to drag more eucalyptus logs up the hill. I wasn't very excited to do that. My previous experience with those logs was the hardest labor I had ever done. However, it wasn't as big of a hill, and we had more people helping us, so it wasn't so bad. I wrote in my journal for this day that "Dinner was way good!" I didn't bother to write down what it was, but any kind of sustinance after a hard day's work, whether it actually was good or not, seemed incredible. Being back in Salkantay was a little hard to get used to again because it had been so much warmer in Machu Picchu. It got so cold at night in Salkantay. My hands were ALWAYS cold. It made me very grateful for my home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow, amazing pictures...

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