Thursday, October 25, 2007

On our way!

Well, it was definately quite the journey to actually get to Peru. We flew out of Salt Lake in the morning, got to Atlanta and immediately left for Lima. We got into Lima late that night, but our flight to Cusco wasn't until five thirty the next morning, so we spent the night at the airport. Some of us attempted to sleep (laying on top of our luggage in order to keep it in our possession) others wandered, some found places to eat or played cards and other games. It was a long night, but it was the start of our adventure, so it wasn't so bad--we all still had our sanity and our energy. It was good to spend time getting to know each other a bit before we'd spend all day every day together. We finally got on our little rickety plane the next morning and flew to Cusco. Oh, it was so cold there! The landscape was beautiful--spectacular mountains, fascinating agriculture, and very brown. Still beautiful, though! It was cool flying into the city because on the side of one of the hills was carved "Viva el Peru!" and some other Spanish that I didn't understand. Like I said, it was so ridiculously cold. Coming from July in Utah, it was hard to imagine it being cold anywhere, so my cold weather clothes were very limited. While we were waiting for our luggage, a little Peruvian band was playing music for tips as well as selling cds. They were all dressed up in traditional costumes. It was quite the sight! My first introduction to Peruvian culture.When we got there and finally got all of our luggage and were getting onto the bus to go to our hotel, we were told that the city taxi drivers were on strike. Turns out there were all kinds of strikes going on all over the country. Fortunately, the only violence we experienced were some rocks thrown at our bus. We had to stay together, obviously, but it didn't do much but mess up some scheduling. Okay, it really messed up our scheduling, but it all worked out. There were plenty of policemen around to keep us safe, and all in all it made it pretty quiet not having taxis zooming around like usual.


Scott M. said...

HAN!!! That is amazing! i couldn't believe that you went to PERU!
I love you lots! Call me sometime!

Chelsea said...

HEY!It's me again(Chelsea)
I loved seeing your face! I miss YOU SOOO MUCH!

Chelsea said...
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